Selasa, 19 Juli 2016

Pembaruan harian ⋅ 19 Juli 2016
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I need to educate the adults, I believe there is no kid on this group!!!


To maintain a healthy vagina you must know what to do to avoid infection and it is equally important to educate your sexual partner on some of them to also help  you help the vagina.
Here are some few things you can do or avoid.

1. Fingering 
During foreplay or romance, as part of it some people insert their finger or fingers into the vagina. The question is, how many people wash their hands before sexual intercourse? Some people do not even keep their nails clean so it gathers a lot of germs and during the fingering, these germs are deposited in the vagina...leading to infection. Same thing apply to autopleasure acts or masturbation.

2. Anal sex
I am not here to tell anybody to have anal sex or not to but I simply want to draw the attention of those who engage in anal sex with the opposite sex that it is dangerous to have anal sex and continue having penovaginal sex. If this is done, the penis will pick bacteria from the anus and deliver them to the vagina even if you are using a condom....which will lead to infection.

3. Quest to make the vagina TIGHT
Some guys complain bitterly about the vagina of their sexual partners. They complain that it's too big and they no more feel any sensation during intercourse. Some ladies are therefore pushed to find a quick solution and in the process some use herbs or other substances in the vagina with the hope of making the vagina tight. Some of the substances cause infection or sepsis. Some of the herbs can cause the vagina to get tighter to the extent that penetration is no more possible. This will require treatment.

4. Douching 
Some parents, when bathing for their baby girls put warm water in a milk tin or dip a towel in the warm water and pour the water through a hole made beneath the tin or squeeze the water out of the towel into the vagina of the baby. This is sooooo WRONG as it can damage the hymen.
Some parents also insert ginger or pepper or both into the vagina of adolescents as a form of punishment. This is sooooo WRONG as it can lead to infection.
Some people are use to bathing by adding dettol or other detergents to the water and they put this solution inside the vagina with the help of sponge or towel or just the hand with soap to clean the vagina. This is soooo WRONG as it will change the normal flora in the vagina, leading to infection.

5. Use of water closet
Some people have the habit of not sitting on the seat of the WC when using it so they end up urinating on the seat. The possibility of picking infection when using it in that condition is high. Don't let your pant be at the thigh level when using the WC especially the public ones as the inner of the pant may rub the surface of the WC. Where the water is not running and people have used but have not flushed and you don't have any choice but to also use it, use enough toilet roll to cover before using the WC to avoid any splashes on the vulva.

6. Washing and drying 
Develop the habit of disinfecting your panties frequently...depending on the number of pants you have. Keep exclusive panties to wear whenever you are menstruating and don't mix those panties with your regular panties. Pay particular attention to those panties when washing. Ensure that the panties are made of cotton and are dried in the sun or well ironed to kill germs.

7. Change sanitary pads
Some people try to economize the use of their sanitary pads so during the period they tend to still wear the pad because there is little or no blood. This is soooo WRONG as it can lead to infection.

NB: If there is any bad scent from the vagina or there is a discharge coming from the vagina , then it might be an infection which you have to have it treated.
Help save the vagina by ensuring that you get the message to as. many friends as possible.



Four girls took lift in a car full of Engineers...

Since no place available, they sat on each Boy's lap...

After 5 minutes...

Girl1: Are you an Electronics & Communication Engineer.??

Boy1: How do you know..??

Girl1: Your tower is communicating with my Unreachable Area...

Girl2: Are you an IT Engineer..??

Boy2: How do you know..??

Girl2: Your Pen drive is trying to connect with my USB port...

Girl3: Are you a Mechanical Engineer..???

Boy3: How do you know..??

Girl3: Your Piston is trying to move into my cylinder....

Girl4: Are you a Civil Engineer..??

Boy4: How do you know..???

Girl4: Your dam has broken and flooded my village....  

Stop laughing.. Start Forward 😉😉


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