Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016

#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
Ibu kota Jakarta dengan segala hiruk pikuknya memang seringkali membuat penat. Tak jarang dari warganya ingin pindah karena lelah hidup namun tak sedikit pula yang ingin dan berbondong bondong menuju jakarta

Quote:Pemilihan Gubernur DKI Jakarta belakangan mulai terlihat makin lucu, dimulai dengan kemunculan deklarasi “Orang Kita” yang digawangi oleh AhDan. Kalau ditelaah, kata “Orang Kita” adalah kata yang sering diungkapkan untuk sebuah pengelompokan tertentu. Ungkapan ini sering digunakan oleh Juru Kampanye (jurkam) calon tertentu di lapangan, untuk pengelompokkan pendukung dan bukan pendukung. Misalnya saja, ketika ada jurkam lain yang masuk dikalangan pendukung, maka salah satu jurkam akan menjawab dengan itu “orang kita” juga, bukan orang lain. Dan seterusnya.

Kita semua tahu kalau di Indonesia, kita semua telah memiliki hak untuk memilih pemimpin kita secara langsung, baik itu yang duduk di kabupaten maupun di provinsi. Seiring dengan ini, kita juga sebaiknya belajar untuk mengenali calon – calon pemimpin kita yang nantinya akan membawa daerah kita selama 5 tahun kedepannya.

Kita lihat visi dan misi nya untuk pembangunan daerah kita, bukan lihat partainya ataupun suku, agama, maupun ras dari orang tersebut. yang kita perlukan adalah pemimpin yang bisa membawa pembangunan daerah kita menjadi lebih baik. di kopi dari 
Copas Capes

Setelah masa 2012 hingga sekarang menjelang 2017 kita kembali di hadapkan dengan hiruk pikuk seruan seputar memilih pemimpin untuk ibu kota jakarta. Ragam seruan yang kita bisa simak di berbagai stasiun televisi maupun media cetak tak jarang mengulas berulang sisi sisi negatif sang pelaksana peraturan di jakarta.

Namun nada nada miring yang berdenting seakan tak di gubris oleh Ahok atau Basuki Tjahya Purnama. Satu persatu hasil kerja di tampilkan dan di hidangkan kepada kita setiap hari hingga tanpa kita sadari menjadi lebih manja bahkan cenderung menuntut lebih. Jika harus sesuai dengan yang kita mau, tentu saja ragam macam masalah kronis ibukota tak mungkin sekejap bisa di atasi, apalagi enggan kita turut berpartisipasi.

Partisipasi kita sebagai user internet atau tren sekarang disebut warga sosial media adalah mensosialisasikan program pemda DKI, mengulas hasil sementara, melaporkan kekurangan dan kebutuhan sekitar wilayah dan lingkungan kita dan masih banyak lagi lainnya yang bisa kerjakan sebetulnya.

Hari ini tagar #JKTKerja ramai menghiasi ranah twitland atewe temlene teweter, Melalui twitter dengan mencari tagar jakarta #JKTKerja kita bisa melihat beberapa kontent dan info info menarik sebagai berikut ini:

Quote:@fadlireadi :Salah satu faktor menurunnya banjir Djakarta adlh sungai2 yg sudah di normalisasi dan skrg lbh bersih. #JKTKerja 
Quote:#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
Kali bersih, anak anak pun riang krna akn ada tempat bermain baru
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
@rudijanto7067 : Fakta nya keren..krj sama masy jkt dgn pasukan oranye ➡kali di sblh st kereta tn abang, kelihatan kan?!
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
@MbakNevi JAKARTA SMART CITY...Gubernurnye juga kudu smart..JAKARTA butuh Gubernur yg PAHAM apa yg kudu dikerjakan .#JKTkerja @basuki_btp
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
@ledikurniawan Bukti kalau #JKTkerja bukan cuma basa-basi 
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
@richardhenryk kalo bersih.. nongkrong nya enak... #JKTkerja thans pak @basuki_btp
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
@AdityaBentoni Semua jadi Efisien dan Inovatif di tangan Ahok #JKTKerja 
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
Jakarta makin Efisien dan AJIB. Urus perijinan sekarang ga perlu keluar rumah ! #JKTKerja 
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan

Ragam konten dan untayan kata apa saja yang di sampaikan warga sosial miedia bisa kita Colek disini gan

Jakarta juga sangat tenar dengan kata demo, karena hampir setiap hari ada saja yang berdemo, Ahok pun memfasilitasi kebutuhan khusus masyarakat dalam menyampaikan uneg unex ato aspirasinya. Contohnya
Taman Pandang Istana -Taman Nasional yang berada di Jl. Silang Monas Barat Laut, Gambir, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta. TAMAN DEMO. Dan beberapa taman demo lainya untuk menyalurkan hasrat demontsrasi masyarakat yang mungkin saja selama ini terpendam. 

#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
Adanya fasilitas demo seperti ini adalah bertujuan agar generasi muda bisa memberikan kritik dan saran yang membangun agar bisa di manfaatkan bagi kepentingan orang banyak di DKI jakarta. Hingga kita yang berada di jakarta ini bisa menjadi contoh yang baik bagi saudara kita di daerah lain, bukan seperti selama ini, yang di dongengkan orang banyak .


aneka stigma negatif yang melekat akan bisa kita ubah menjadi beragam kenangan yang indah jika saudara kita berkunjung ke kota jakarta, bila kita mau bersama saling membangun, saling melengkapi dan saling menghormati. 
kesuksesan bisa menimpa anda tiba tiba.
#JKTKerja Ramai Di Bicarakan Ditengah Gemuruh Hujatan Seruan
Google Instagram Pembaruan harian ⋅ 18 Agustus 2016 BERITA Instagram Sediakan Channel Nonton Video Detikcom Jakarta - Instagram kini menyediakan channel khusus menonton video. Event, nama channel tersebut, memilihkan video dari berbagai acara yang ... Google Plus Facebook Twitter Tandai sebagai tidak relevan Waspada Akun Instagram Rawan Diretas, Ini Antisipasinya ArenaLTE.com ArenaLTE.com – Sejak dirilis perdana pada 2010 silam, popularitas Instagram bukannya menurun, justru terus melonjak naik. Terlebih setelah dibeli ... Google Plus Facebook Twitter Tandai sebagai tidak relevan Justin Bieber Hapus Instagram, Selena Gomez Minta Maaf Solopos Sensasi artis Justin Bieber menghapus akun Instagramnya setelah sempat beradu argumen dengan mantan kekasihnya, Selena Gomez. 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Tribun Kaltim Nah, tetapi dalam unggahan Instagram yang diunggahnya delapan jam yang lalu memperlihatkan wajah lain pelantun tembang Someone Like You ... Google Plus Facebook Yahoo Mail All Search No suggestions are available. Search MailSearch Web ⌂ Home AvatarPt ⚙ Help Press ? for keyboard shortcuts. Close Ad Mail Contacts Calendar Notepad Messenger News Feed Press the Enter key to select an item Compose Add Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more Inbox Drafts Sent Archive Spam Trash (45) Smart Views Unread Starred People Social Shopping Travel Finance Folders Recent Good morning, Pt Wednesday, August 24 All StoriesNewsFinanceEntertainmentSportsLifestylesTechnologyScience BREAKING NEWS 104 mins ago Italian town of Amatrice struck by 6.2 magnitude earthquake; 'Half the town is gone' The central Italian town of Amatrice was badly damaged by a 6.2 magnitude earthquake that struck early on Wednesday, with people trapped under the rubble, the town's mayor said. Half the town is gone," Reuters 'Max Steel' Makes a Surprise Debut with New International Trailer The superhero movie based on the Mattel toyline was shot in 2014, then disappeared without trace. The Hollywood Reporter 'Real Housewives Of New Jersey' Star Teresa Giudice Denies Joining 'Dancing With The Stars' There have been lots of rumors about “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” star Teresa Giudice joining “Dancing With the Stars.” While fans might be excited with the prospect of seeing their favorite reality stare on the dance floor, the stint might not happen. A statement released by Giudice's lawyer James Leonard Jr. clears up the rumors and ultimately denies that Giudice will be part of the reality TV dance contest. “'Dancing With the Stars' approached Teresa about doing the season that aired in March but unfortunately with Teresa having just come home and with Joe Giudice going away in March, we had to decline the offer,” the statement read, according to E! News. “We have not had any discussions International Business Times EXCLUSIVE: Simone Biles Plays Coy About Competing on 'Dancing With the Stars,' Already Has Her Partner Picked Out! The Olympic gymnast tells ET she would 'love' to join the dance competition show if her schedule permits. Entertainment Tonight Who or What Does 'Rogue One' Refer To? Director Gareth Edwards Reveals All There are three options — choose your favorite. Yahoo Premium Partners MLB Releases 2016 Postseason Schedule With Games On TBS, ESPN, FS1, MLB Network, And FOX Major League Baseball has released the 2016 postseason schedule, Here's what the dates are and where to watch them. Forbes Hilarious New Thor: Ragnarok Photo Confirms The Return Of A Classic Marvel Character Glen Hunt is a professional photographer in Brisbane, Australia who has been lending his talent to documenting the production of Thor: Ragnarok. Our favorite photo so far is this one, showing a very much worse for wear Sir Anthony Hopkins as Odin, being incredibly goofy. In addition to being a funny photo, it's also a confirmation that Odin will appear in the film, as well as the apparent confirmation of a rumor about the role that he will play. Marvel had yet to actually confirm that Hopkins would be appearing in Ragnarok so now we know for sure that he is. Thor: The Dark World ended will Loki on the throne of Asgard, impersonating Odin. Exactly what had happened to Odin was not clear, but apparently, CINEMABLEND Maisie Williams: 'Start preparing yourselves now' Maisie Williams just revealed she finished reading the season 7 script of Game of Thrones, and teased fans saying they're in for a hell of a season. Zoomin TV "Captain America: Civil War" Concept Art Shows Cap Fighting Ant-Man A new piece of "Captain America: Civil War" concept art from artist Andy Park reveals a major shift in allegiance for one member of Team Cap: Ant-Man. In the piece, Captain America goes head-to-shield with Ant-Man during the infamous airport scene, where both Cap and Iron Man's teams clashed in a big way. In the film, Ant-Man -- who levels up to Giant-Man in this sequence -- is solidly on Team Cap; Falcon recruits him onto Cap's side, and he fights Team Iron Man until his arrest. In fact, he used his enlargement ability in order to distract Team Iron Man from realizing that Cap and Bucky were on their way to steal the Quinjet. However, Park's concept art reveals that Ant-Man's role was almost Comic Book Resources EXCLUSIVE: Linda Thompson Opens Up About Caitlyn Jenner Marrying Kris After Coming Out As Transgender ET sat down for a candid interview with Linda Thompson, who talked about her complex relationship with her ex, Caitlyn Jenner. Entertainment Tonight This “Stranger Things” theory will change the way you feel about Eleven forever We seriously can’t get enough of Stranger Things. Ever since it premiered on July 15th (and we binged it all in eight hours… Hello Giggles Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 concept art shows off new villain Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is currently shooting in Atlanta, and while director James Gunn has provided certain details on what fans can expect out of the next installment in the series, there are still a couple of secrets — including who the team will fight. Now, thanks to new concept art provided to Empire Magazine, there’s a little more insight into that question. In the photo seen below, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, Baby Groot, Star-Lord and Drax can be seen hurtling toward a giant monster that looks like an octopus infused with a dragon of some kind. As far as we know, there isn’t a name for the creature, but it has been seen before. At San Diego Comic-Con, a brief trailer was shown off that Polygon 'La La Land' Stills Click ahead for photos from the movie.All images courtesy of Lionsgate. Yahoo Movies Staff 'La La Land' Stills Yahoo Movies Staff Aug 23, 2016 Click ahead for photos from the movie.All images courtesy of Lionsgate. Read More Ex-Fox News Host Sues Alleging ‘Sex-Fueled’ Cult at Network Ex-Fox News host and political analyst Andrea Tantaros sued the cable channel and former chairman Roger Ailes for sexual harassment, alleging the network pretends to act as a defender of family values ... Bloomberg Aretha Franklin Cancels Upcoming Concerts on 'Doctors' Orders' Aretha Franklin has canceled a handful of upcoming concerts following a recommendation by her doctors to rest up. Rolling Stone 'American Idol' Owner Core Media Allowed to Terminate Deal With Simon Fuller A bankruptcy judge permits the rejection of a profit sharing agreement on 'Idol' and 'So You Think You Can Dance.' The Hollywood Reporter TV legend Norman Lear calls today's programming a golden age Television writer and producer Norman Lear said although there is too much media, television is in its golden age. CNBC The new black female Iron Man will have a brand-new superhero name In July, Marvel announced that Tony Stark is retiring as Iron Man, and now the superhero... Business Insider Rupert Friend Is Back on the Set of Homeland! So, Quinn's Not Dead? Season five of Homeland is bleak for everyone, but most of all for Quinn. He's in terrible shape during the finale, and all signs point to his character not pulling though — all signs except for these new set pictures, in which actor Rupert Friend is walking around all alive and stuff. Would it have been poetic if he dies after Carrie reads his letter? Yes. Do we actually want the character gone? No. We'll have to wait until January for the new season, but you can see the set pictures here. PopSugar ‘Pets’ Collars $674M WW; ‘Suicide Squad’ Necks $575M Through Sunday – Intl B.O. Final TUESDAY UPDATE with actuals: With offshore weekend finals in from the studios, Illumination/Universal's The Secret Life Of Pets remained the No. 1 movie at the international box office this session. It dropped a few whiskers from Sunday's estimates, wagging out $43.8M vs the $45M that was projected. That puts the offshore total at $327.2M through Sunday, and the global kibble count at $674M. This was enough to hold the top spot ahead of Warner Bros' Suicide Squad… Deadline Here Are the 6 TV Shows InStyle Editors Are Watching This Week This week, there's finally a new show worth watching: The Get Down. If you're a Baz Luhrmann fan, or just a love a good retro moment, this is literally going to be your new jam. And while we're traveling back in time, we might as well revisit a few of our old friends: Hannah, Lizzie, Raven, they're all on Freeform's genius late-night block, That's So Throwback. It's like comfort food for your child brain. If you're looking for something just slightly more fear-inducing than Disney stars, Mr. Robot, Pretty Little Liars, and Fear the Walking Dead are all in full force right now. And for those of you who owe your boyfriends big time, check out HBO Sports' NFL reality show, Hard Knocks. You'll score enough points to control the remote come fall. InStyle Belgian jazz legend 'Toots' Thielemans dies aged 94 Belgian legend "Toots" Thielemans has died after a 70-year career as the world's most famous harmonica player during which he made music with some of the biggest names in jazz. Jean-Baptiste Frederic Isidore Thielemans, known affectionately as "Toots", died in his sleep in a Brussels hospital early on Monday, his manager Veerle Van de Poel said. "It comes as a bit of a shock and surprise as he was doing very well after suffering a fall last month," Van de Poel told AFP. AFP Biopic About Olympic Boxer Claressa Shields Is In The Works At Universal Studios The Olympic medalist is getting her due on the big screen. Vibe American Crime Story Season 2: Everything There Is To Know American Crime Story: The People vs. O.J. Simpson was either a surprise hit or the perfect match of a creator with a public ready to hear his story. Ryan Murphy's show, a sort of city cousin to American Horror Story, recast Marcia Clark as a hardworking feminist mother and reintroduced the Trial of the Century to a generation that heard about it only briefly. Hurricane Katrina will serve as the subject of Ryan Murphy's anthology series, and he told The Hollywood Reporter about exactly what the show will explore on its second time around. "Well, it's an amazing tragedy you cannot believe happened in America, but along with the overwhelming sadness of what happened to New Orleans and its people you have amazing stories of survival," Murphy tells THR. refinery29.com A Plaque Honoring David Bowie Was Installed Outside His Berlin Home Despite being British, David Bowie will always be associated with Berlin, Germany. This is due to the fact that in the days of the Berlin Wall, Bowie lived in West Berlin, along with Iggy Pop. During that time, the late, beloved artist made his “Berlin trilogy” of albums, Low, “Heroes”, and Lodger. UPROXX Belly of the Cavern - Typhoon Typhoon are one of the most unique bands we've come across. Their sound is often tumultuous yet unified. Each individual member manages to weave their instrument masterfully into the group's aesthetic, creating music that feels almost anthemic. We caught this striking performance of "Belly of the Cavern" live at SXSW. BAMM.tv EXCLUSIVE: Shannon Beador Previews Vow Renewal With Husband David on 'Real Housewives of Orange County' The star tells ET her husband is full of surprises this season. Entertainment Tonight 'Stand by Me' Turns 30 "Rob Reiner found four young boys who basically were the characters we played," Wheaton, now 44, told NPR in 2011. Or as Reiner put it to The New York Times in 1986, "Corey was the only boy who could play that kind of anger." He called Wheaton "an extraordinarily intelligent kid, and his intelligence comes through." As for Phoenix, Reiner told the Times, the actor originally auditioned for Wheaton's role, sensitive, misunderstood Gordie, but felt Phoenix, who was older than the other boys, was a better fit for Chris, the leader and peacemaker. Meanwhile, Reiner, now 69, took a chance on O'Connell. Good Morning America Dorinda Medley Thinks Yolanda Foster Would Be "Perfect" On #RHONY Anyone interested in seeing Yolanda Foster‘s Lyme Journey continue on Bravo? Yeah, I guess Dorinda Medley is the only one raising her hand to that one! “I think she’d be perfect for it!” exclaims Dorinda, responding to rumors that the former Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills star, who was reportedly fired for being too demanding and difficult, “desperately” wants to transition to Real Housewives Of New York. “I think she would be a perfect fit. She is a mother. She’s a grownup. She’s gone through a lot of different things personally and in her marriages and stuff.” But what about the Lyme – Yolanda has been through the Lymes! CLICK THE CONTINUE READING BUTTON FOR MORE! Subbing Yolanda with a Reality Tea That Epic Battle of the Bastards Scene on 'Game of Thrones' Was Kit Harington's Idea ​It's based on one of Harington's greatest fears.​​ Esquire NCIS: New Orleans: Vanessa Ferlito Has the Team on Edge! — Fall TV First Look Based on this exclusive first photo, it is by no means “happy to see me” when Vanessa Ferlito‘s G-woman arrives on NCIS: New Orleans this fall. As previously reported, the Graceland alum has joined the CBS series’ cast as Tammy Gregorio, a tough and acerbic FBI Special Agent who is sent from D.C. to investigate […] TVLine.com On the Charts: 'Suicide Squad' Reigns Again 'Suicide Squad' remained atop both the box office and the Billboard 200 for a second straight week. Rolling Stone The director of the next 'Bad Boys' confirms Will Smith and Martin Lawrence will be back The bad boys are in fact coming back. Thirteen years after the sequel — and 21 since... Business Insider Ratings: Rio Olympics Closing Ceremony Ends Games With a Whimper The 2016 Rio Olympics officially ended on Sunday night with a less-than-stellar ratings performance. The Wrap Your TV To-Do List: ‘The Night Of’ Murder Mystery Wraps Up With a Supersized Finale Food Network Star Kids: Monday, Aug. 22 at 8 p.m. on Food The popular Food Network competition series serves up a kid-friendly version for hungry adolescent viewers. Ethan Alter Fear the Walking Dead Returns Tonight--Here's What We Hope to See! The Walking Dead is known for its crazy cliffhangers, so it's no surprise that the series' hit spinoff, Fear the Walking Dead, left off on a suspenseful note at its midseason finale back in May. It's been a long few months, but good news, zombie fans: the wildy popular series is back tonight to kick off the rest of season two! When we last saw Madison Clark (Kim Dickens), Travis Manawa (Cliff Curtis), and the rest of their crew, they had finally reached land in Mexico--but the circumstances weren't much better there than they were at sea. A few major things happened before the season's hiatus, changing the course of the season and what's to come. It became clear in the last couple episodes that Chris (Lorenzo James Henrie) is having a difficult time coping with everything, and his teetering emotional state is potentially making him a danger to the group. With tensions high between him, Madison, and Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey), Chris set off on his own, leading Travis to go after him, which ultimately separated the group. Ofelia's (Mercedes Mason) father, Daniel, started hearing voices and seeing visions of his dead wife. He started a fire on the grounds but didn't make it out alive--as far as we know. And when Madison felt threatened by the compound's leader, she killed her by locking her in a cell with a group of zombies, making it clear that Madison will do anything to protect her family. With the fire ablaze and zombies swarming over the compound, the remaining group was forced to leave. But with the group now separated, we're not quite sure what's going to happen. A lot can go down in the eight episodes left in the season, and there are a few scenarios we're hoping will play out. Read below to see what we're dying to see happen! InStyle Billy Gilman Auditions for 'The Voice' Former child star Billy Gilman has auditioned for the upcoming season of The Voice. The singer was launched into instant stardom with the release of his debut single, “One Voice,” in 2000, making the 11-year-old the youngest country singer ever to score a Top 40 hit. But subsequent singles faltered, and despite two Grammy nominations, the peak of his career proved short-lived. Gilman continued to pursue his singing career after his voice changed, but has seen little radio airplay in more recent years. But he still has a very loyal and passionate fanbase, and on Monday (Aug. 22), he turned to social media to let his fans know that he had taken the plunge and auditioned for the popular reality Taste of Country John Oliver Gives Shout-Out To Larry Wilmore In ‘Last Week’ Opening – Update Updated with Wilmore reax: In addition to sending Larry Wilmore a bottle of champagne on Wilmore’s final night of The Nightly Show, HBO show host John Oliver included a nod to Wilmore during the opening of last night’s Last Week Tonight. Thanks @iamjohnoliver and @LastWeekTonight for the cool shout out in the opening credits lat night! — Larry Wilmore (@larrywilmore) August 22, 2016 Larry Wilmore's Comedy Central show last week became a victim of low ratings after 20… Deadline Miles Teller Admits He's Still Upset Over Last Year's Esquire Profile: 'I Felt a Little Angry' He didn't appreciate being portrayed as a "dick" Nick Schager Former BBC boss Mark Thompson says corporation was wrong to sack Jeremy Clarkson Former director-general of the BBC Mark Thompson has suggested the corporation made the wrong decision by ditching Jeremy Clarkson. Thompson, 59, had to deal with a number of Clarkson's controversies during his time at the corporation, forcing him to apologise for calling Gordon Brown a “one-eyed” idiot. The BBC did not renew Clarkson's contract last year after he admitted punching a Top Gear producer during a row about a steak in a hotel in Yorkshire. Newsweek Stephen Colbert parodies Ryan Lochte's interview about his 'over-exaggerated' story Ryan Lochte has had a tough time since conflicting reports have come out about his claim that he... Business Insider Avengers: Russo Brothers on Setting Up Infinity War with Civil War Prior to Marvel hiring Joe and Anthony Russo to direct Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the brothers would not have been most people’s first choice to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not only did they deliver a strong debut, but they were put in charge of kicking off Phase 3 with Captain America: Civil War. The movie met or exceeded most people’s expectations, which helped to calm anyone’s fears that they could not handle their next two projects: Avengers: Infinity War and Untitled Avengers (a.k.a. Avengers 4, formerly known as Infinity War – Part 2). The Russo Brothers are currently in Atlanta to start prepping for a nine month shoot to cover the next two Avengers movies – but that does Screen Rant Hillary Clinton Can’t Bring Herself to Read This One Trump Quote for Kimmel (Video) Hillary Clinton proved herself a pretty good sport with the silly stuff last night on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” — but there was one thing she flat-out wouldn’t do. Jimmy Kimmel challenged the Democratic presidential nominee to read real Donald Trump quotes with a straight face. “These are the milder ones, actually,” Clinton said before changing her mood midway during a final quote. The Wrap 'DWTS' Season 23 Cast: First Eight Pro Dancers Revealed on 'GMA' The names of eight dance pros who’ll appear in season 23 of “Dancing With the Stars” were revealed exclusively on “GMA” this morning, and the list includes mirror ball champions and fan favorites Val Chmerkovskiy, whose partner last season was “Good Morning America” chief meteorologist Ginger Zee, and Witney Carson. Also in the cast are Sharna Burgess, Artem Chigvintsev, Lindsay Arnold, Allison Holker, Sasha Farber and Gleb Savchenko. Good Morning America Know You're Loved - Song Preservation Society SPS does a fantastic job planting seeds of musical themes early in the song, then waiting to deliver on them until later in the song. They wait to go to the "know you're loved" chorus until after the second verse, then add variations to chorus at the end of the song. The result is a song that unfolds all the way through to the end. Recorded live at The Convent in San Francisco, California. BAMM.tv Bethenny Frankel Teases Intense RHONY Season 8 Finale The "Real Housewives of New York" star dishes on all the drama from season 8--but does Bethenny regret anything from the season? Find out! E! Online This “Bachelorette” winner’s ex called him out on Instagram in the most epic, “Bachelor”-worthy way While fans of The Bachelor like to joke about how every rose ceremony is, “the most dramatic rose ceremony,” we may have… Hello Giggles Jenny Slate Doesn’t Understand Why the Fashion Industry Is So Concerned With the Male Gaze Despite living in L.A., starring in Hollywood blockbusters and hit indie films, and dating Captain America, Jenny Slate doesn’t take herself too seriously. Yahoo Style Contributors Pokey Song - Will Sprott Who's going to pass on something called "Pokey Song"? Nobody that's who. If you pressed play then you're one of the wise ones. Will Sprott's massive talent is illuminated here when he uses "hanky panky", "okey dokey", and "hokey pokey" in the same song and it actually works. As ridiculous as this video may be, you have to take Sprott's songwriting talent seriously. Seriously. BAMM.tv Mel Brooks reveals the stories behind 'Blazing Saddles' Mel Brooks seems to never tire of telling the tale about Madeline Kahn’s audition for the role of German saloon chanteuse/seductress-for-hire Lili Von Shtupp in his 1974 film Blazing Saddles. With minimal prompting, he tells it again one recent day. “She didn’t really understand. I said, 'Madeline, would you raise your skirt? I want to see your legs.’ And she said, ‘Oh, it’s one of those auditions,’” Brooks says on the phone. “I said, ‘No, no. You got me all wrong. We’re doing a takeoff of Western movies and one of the big ones is Destry Rides Again, starring Marlene Dietrich. And [in that movie] she kept straddling a chair with her beautiful netted black stockings and I gotta have good-looking USA Today Al Sharpton Backs Nate Parker, Takes Aim at Hollywood and Right-Wing Media “Now, all of a sudden, they rediscover what they already knew ... The way you kill the message is you try to smear the messenger.” The Hollywood Reporter ‘Stranger Things’: 5 Things We Want in Season 2 Spoilers beyond this point, friend. Without further ado, here are the five things we’d like to see in a sophomore season of Stranger Things. Superfan Trace Adkins and Kim Coates Square Off in the Trailer for New Western 'Stagecoach' (Exclusive) The legend of Texas Jack Kevin Polowy Baby Groot is having too much fun in new Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 concept art As Guardians of the Galaxy ended, Peter Quill (a.k.a Star-Lord) suggested him and his crew get into a little trouble on their next adventure. Turns out, they might have bit off more than they can chew, according to new concept art revealed by Empire. In it, the Guardians take on a tentacled beast that looks like a cross between an octopus and my neighbor’s angry dog Freckles. As io9 points out, this monster could be how the Guardians link up with Ayesha (Elizabeth Debicki). Apparently, the Guardians have built a reputation for “getting rid of things and cleaning up the universe,” but when they tackle this newest creature, things go south pretty quickly. “Let’s just say it goes from amiable to TechnoBuffalo Twitter Tandai sebagai tidak relevan Karena Instagram, Menantu Ustaz Arifin Ilham Dianggap Sombong Redaksi Belum lama ini, Muhammad Alvin Faiz membuat masyarakat heboh dengan pernikahannya. Pasalnya, putra sulung Ustaz Arifin Ilham itu menikah di ... Netter Bilang Larissa Sombong, Alvin Buka Suara - Suara Merdeka CyberNews Liputan Lengkap Google Plus Facebook Twitter Tandai sebagai tidak relevan Lomba Makan Kerupuk, Kaus Tipis Ayu Ting Ting Bikin Salah Fokus Solopos Pelantun Sambalado itupun ikut dalam lomba makan kerupuk. Lewat instagram, Umi Kalsum, ibunda Ayu Ting Ting mengunggah foto keseruan ... INSTAGRAM ARTIS Lomba Makan Kerupuk, Kaus Tipis Ayu Ting Ting Bikin Salah Fokus - Harian Jogja Ayu Ting Ting Ikut Lomba Makan Kerupuk, Netizen Komentari Bajunya yang Tipis - Tribunnews Gara Gara Diburu Haters, Popularitas Ayu Ting Ting Kalahkan Syahrini ! - LensaRemaja.com (Blog) Liputan Lengkap Google Plus Facebook Twitter Tandai sebagai tidak relevan Anda menerima email ini karena Anda telah berlangganan Google Alerts. Berhenti Berlangganan RSS Terima lansiran ini dalam bentuk umpan RSS Kirimkan Masukan BREAKING NEWS 104 mins ago Italian town of Amatrice struck by 6.2 magnitude earthquake; 'Half the town is gone' The central Italian town of Amatrice was badly damaged by a 6.2 magnitude earthquake that struck early on Wednesday, with people trapped under the rubble, the town's mayor said. Half the town is gone," Reuters 'Max Steel' Makes a Surprise Debut with New International Trailer The superhero movie based on the Mattel toyline was shot in 2014, then disappeared without trace. The Hollywood Reporter 'Real Housewives Of New Jersey' Star Teresa Giudice Denies Joining 'Dancing With The Stars' There have been lots of rumors about “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” star Teresa Giudice joining “Dancing With the Stars.” While fans might be excited with the prospect of seeing their favorite reality stare on the dance floor, the stint might not happen. A statement released by Giudice's lawyer James Leonard Jr. clears up the rumors and ultimately denies that Giudice will be part of the reality TV dance contest. “'Dancing With the Stars' approached Teresa about doing the season that aired in March but unfortunately with Teresa having just come home and with Joe Giudice going away in March, we had to decline the offer,” the statement read, according to E! News. “We have not had any discussions International Business Times EXCLUSIVE: Simone Biles Plays Coy About Competing on 'Dancing With the Stars,' Already Has Her Partner Picked Out! The Olympic gymnast tells ET she would 'love' to join the dance competition show if her schedule permits. Entertainment Tonight Who or What Does 'Rogue One' Refer To? Director Gareth Edwards Reveals All There are three options — choose your favorite. Yahoo Premium Partners MLB Releases 2016 Postseason Schedule With Games On TBS, ESPN, FS1, MLB Network, And FOX Major League Baseball has released the 2016 postseason schedule, Here's what the dates are and where to watch them. Forbes Hilarious New Thor: Ragnarok Photo Confirms The Return Of A Classic Marvel Character Glen Hunt is a professional photographer in Brisbane, Australia who has been lending his talent to documenting the production of Thor: Ragnarok. Our favorite photo so far is this one, showing a very much worse for wear Sir Anthony Hopkins as Odin, being incredibly goofy. In addition to being a funny photo, it's also a confirmation that Odin will appear in the film, as well as the apparent confirmation of a rumor about the role that he will play. Marvel had yet to actually confirm that Hopkins would be appearing in Ragnarok so now we know for sure that he is. Thor: The Dark World ended will Loki on the throne of Asgard, impersonating Odin. Exactly what had happened to Odin was not clear, but apparently, CINEMABLEND Maisie Williams: 'Start preparing yourselves now' Maisie Williams just revealed she finished reading the season 7 script of Game of Thrones, and teased fans saying they're in for a hell of a season. Zoomin TV "Captain America: Civil War" Concept Art Shows Cap Fighting Ant-Man A new piece of "Captain America: Civil War" concept art from artist Andy Park reveals a major shift in allegiance for one member of Team Cap: Ant-Man. In the piece, Captain America goes head-to-shield with Ant-Man during the infamous airport scene, where both Cap and Iron Man's teams clashed in a big way. In the film, Ant-Man -- who levels up to Giant-Man in this sequence -- is solidly on Team Cap; Falcon recruits him onto Cap's side, and he fights Team Iron Man until his arrest. In fact, he used his enlargement ability in order to distract Team Iron Man from realizing that Cap and Bucky were on their way to steal the Quinjet. However, Park's concept art reveals that Ant-Man's role was almost Comic Book Resources EXCLUSIVE: Linda Thompson Opens Up About Caitlyn Jenner Marrying Kris After Coming Out As Transgender ET sat down for a candid interview with Linda Thompson, who talked about her complex relationship with her ex, Caitlyn Jenner. Entertainment Tonight This “Stranger Things” theory will change the way you feel about Eleven forever We seriously can’t get enough of Stranger Things. Ever since it premiered on July 15th (and we binged it all in eight hours… Hello Giggles Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 concept art shows off new villain Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is currently shooting in Atlanta, and while director James Gunn has provided certain details on what fans can expect out of the next installment in the series, there are still a couple of secrets — including who the team will fight. Now, thanks to new concept art provided to Empire Magazine, there’s a little more insight into that question. In the photo seen below, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, Baby Groot, Star-Lord and Drax can be seen hurtling toward a giant monster that looks like an octopus infused with a dragon of some kind. As far as we know, there isn’t a name for the creature, but it has been seen before. At San Diego Comic-Con, a brief trailer was shown off that Polygon 'La La Land' Stills Click ahead for photos from the movie.All images courtesy of Lionsgate. Yahoo Movies Staff 'La La Land' Stills Yahoo Movies Staf

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